Wednesday, June 25, 2008

NutriSystem ... What's that?

Ok, so i have had a couple people who follow my blog ask me about NutriSystem. If you recall, i posted about starting it here. It was something that i started but ended quickly. Here is the scoop, it was a GREAT effort but I literally could not stomach the food. I know, I am the pickest eater - It isn't my fault I LOVE good food (or not so good-for-you food). The food was AWFUL - I held my nose & choked it down for a couple days. As I ate it, I kept saying - I wish I could just have some fresh vegetables instead of this disgusting soy wanna-be "roast" that had 400 calories & 12 fat grams & smelled like rotten milk. The packaging did not even fool a 6 year old. Keegan one night picked my dinner (chicken & noodles), as I ate it she said:

Keegan: Mom, why aren't you eating what I picked out for you.
Me: I AM.
Keegan: No, you aren't - it doesn't look like this as she held the box up.
She was right- my noodles weren't white, they were yellow-orange. The picture showed peas, onions, carrots - mine has no vegetables at all.

Not to discourage anyone from the program - but it was NOT to my liking. So, if you don't have tastebuds & can't smell then it would probably be a great program for you.

The good part about that experience is that it showed me that I have choices. I can eat healthy & it can taste decent. I just need to make it a higher priority & make better choices. I got a body bugg & LOVE IT!!! It makes you aware of your activity (or lack of) & calories consumed vs. calories burned.

go here for more on bodybugg
I assumed that if I worked a 12 hour day that I deserve to eat whatever I wanted because I worked hard all day. WRONG! I have lost 24 pounds. I know it is not a ton but I am happy about it. It hasn't been easy but it really hasn't been hard. It is just about making better food choices & looking for ways to have a more active lifestyle. If you want anything bad enough - you will make it happen. I just have 20 more to go!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 24 lb. weight loss!! I've wondered how the nutri-system was working. I guess it wasn't. Why is it that losing the weight is so much harder than putting it on was? I know it is for me!! The Body Bug sounds interesting. It's working?
Keep up the good work!!

Scott Rushing said...

Good job Shelb- keep it up!