Monday, January 12, 2009

insulin baby

i was hoping to avoid this ordeal with this pregnancy but no such luck. went to the DR & was already spilling glucose. i guess once you have gestational diabetes once you are likely to have it again & it tends to come on sooner & worse. after 3 days of trying to baseline my glucose levels - i think we have it under control. i am on insulin shots & testing my levels 5-7 times a day. all i can think about is how awful this is & how lucky i am to ONLY have to deal with it while pregnant. i feel for those who have diabetes & have to deal with it ALL the time. it is horrible. so, just something i am going to have to monitor carefully until this baby is born. anyways, baby looks great so that is al that matters. brock was an insulin baby & look how perfect he turned out!

the other thing that makes this bad is that it effects my due date. for some, that is no big deal but for me - this baby in on MY schedule for a specific DATE & that will be changed. i won't know until it gets closer (DR says anywhere between 1-6 weeks early). i have commitments & travel plans that can NOT be changed. i sure hope that steve is in town when i have this baby. not sure i can wait on him again (i went into labor with keegan 3 weeks early & steve was in new zealand. he got on a flight & made it to the hospital & within 5 minutes keegan was born. i insisted on waiting for him but it was VERY stressful for me, him & baby keegan).


Mom of 3 Boys said...

good luck shelby. i am really sorry about the insulin shots and i hope you can work out the baby's delivery date too!

wendy @licketysplitscrapbooks said...

Keeping you and baby in my prayers, Shelby! You will NOT go into labor early at a show. We vendors are not cut out for delivering babies.LOL!

Heidi Rushing said...

That isn't good news. I am sorry to hear that you have to deal with that again. Hope it all goes as well for you as it did with Brock. Take care of yourself. When is your due date?

Unknown said...

Hi Shelby. I am sorry to hear about this. I had the same thing happen to me with my youngest. It is a real pain I know. I alos know that if there is anyone that can deal with this it is definitely you. You are such a strong and upbeat person with a great family. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I KNOW everything will work out just fine. YOu take care of yourself.


Debbie said...

I understand EXACTLY what you are going through! I've been there and had to do exactly the same thing. It was not any fun and I am so thankful that I've not had any trouble since my boys. But...they watch me constantly! Yet another reason to lose weight, huh??? Hang in there!!